Tuesday, July 5, 2022

 With little to no fanfare, wait, check that.  With virtually zero fanfare the City of Grass Valley just took a giant leap forward in regard to the Wolf Creek Trail and various connecting trails. Consent Agenda item 12 at the June 28 council meeting authorized the purchase of the corner lot on Idaho-Maryland Road and Sutton Way, along with an adjacent parcel directly across Idaho-Maryland.  On top of the earlier purchase of 131 Colfax Avenue, this action loudly demonstrates the City’s commitment to the trail system. Senior staff, the Planning Commission, and the City Council should all be applauded for their efforts.  In fact it should be a standing ovation!

For over two decades the corner lot has been identified as the ideal location for a principal trailhead of the Wolf Creek Trail.  It was prominently mentioned in the 2006 Conceptual Plan.  This new “hub” will soon need a new name besides “the corner lot.” From there the Wolf Creek Trail will connect to the system of trails planned for the Loma Rica development now under construction.  Further connections can also be made across Brunswick Road to the Winds Aloft project - currently in planning stages by the Bear Yuba Land Trust.  

In addition to all this, work has been continuing behind the scenes on a preferred alignment to connect the corner lot to the existing Wolf Creek Trail. S2S Environmental Resource Management has nearly completed a thorough review of design, economic, and physical constraints with Caltrans and city staff.  In the near future Project Manager Derek Hitchcock will present these preliminary findings to the city council.  

A well deserved thank you to all who have helped make this possible.