Tuesday, August 11, 2020

 11 August 2020

After a bit of a pause I am pleased to share a few positive developments.  But first I must say that walking remains an integral part of our regimen in the era of Covid, and how great it is to see how popular the Wolf Creek Trail has become.  Besides taking a few strolls there, every time I pass by the Mining Museum the trailhead parking lot is FULL!

That BYLT Trails Planning Committee meeting I mentioned in the previous post was delayed and then canceled - until last week when I participated in the inaugural via Zoom.  I was impressed with the group and the manner in which Erin Tarr and Erika Seward hosted.  I see great value in the group and believe it will serve as a catalyst to move trail awareness and trail connectivity forward, including of course the Wolf Creek Trail.

Speaking of that, funding for the Phase II Design, Engineering, and Permitting Project has been awarded to Surf to Snow, an environmental design and consulting firm based in San Ramon.  If you are thinking “why San Ramon?” worry not.  The project manager is Derek Hitchcock who grew up around here and is the son of long time friend of all rivers and creeks Ralph Hitchcock.  Derek’s team includes several other prominent locals.  

We at the WCCA will be paying very close attention to Derek’s project, which for now has a projected end date of June 30, 2021.  The purpose of the project is just as it sounds - to investigate specific design and engineering concerns - and research permitting requirements necessary to extend the trail from Glenn Jones Park up to the corner of Idaho-Maryland and Sutton.  This is indeed a major development with the City of Grass Valley fully behind it.

I’ll be sharing progress of the Trails Committee and this project as things progress!